"They're just words, right?" and other FAQs*

"So ...what's your story?"

Hi, I’m Matt. I’m a lifelong writer, sometime-narrator, budding public speaker, and sufferer from a life-threatening allergy to committee-developed, overly-sanitized messaging.

Born and raised outside New York City, I went to the Midwest to study at the feet of some of the best fiction writers in the country (and to learn to be a high school English teacher, which was something of a family tradition). I won a few student awards — one for poetry, and the other for public speaking — convincing me I’d found the currency to ply my trade (words!), but reminding me never to stop learning to use them to greater effect, in service to someone else. Whether trying to persuade, inform or delight, I believe (to the point of obsession, if I’m honest) that there’s always room to get better.

I taught middle and high school Language Arts for a while, then moved into corporate human resources — but before long, internal and corporate communication drew me in. I saw a perfect opportunity to use words to improve employees’ lives: clarifying complexity for real people, giving them the information they need to take action and make an impact within their organizations.

Today, I’m a writer and internal/employee communication consultant, with growing interest and skill in other areas of marketing (like B2B).

"What is this place?"

This is where solo professionals, leaders in corporate communications and marketing, and those seeking communication skills coaching, come to find:

  • Thought partnership and a strategic sounding board for your message, your communications plan and your channel mix.
  • Writing and editing help, powered by an experienced, human head and heart … because “your digital intern doing math” doesn’t often make for great copy.
  • A great voice (no, really, a literal voice) for your best words. I did my first professional narration 14 years ago (as I write this, in late 2024).
"Why should I care?"
We’ve all heard this, and maybe even thought it: 
“Everyone can communicate, right? They’re just words.” 
Okay, on one (basic, reductive) level, it’s hard to argue with that. But would you rather:
  • Work with a writer who thinks about, analyzes and tests copy’s suitability for purpose obsessively before handing it over, OR an (admittedly cheaper) “Close enough is good enough” alternative?

  • Take full responsibility to build and maintain a strong word-of-mouth marketing strategy, from writing and editing to distributing and measuring … OR work with a partner who’s “been there, done that” before?

  • Find another technical or subject matter expert in your precise field to do your marketing for you (because “He’s easy to talk to about my business”) … OR work with a smart, effective proxy for the real people who matter most to your business: the prospects and customers who actually buy from you?

This isn’t a knock on expertise: not by a long shot.

But I’ve met plenty of lawyers, actuaries, accountants, consultants, technology professionals … and heck, even other marketers, who live so deep in their professional “weeds” that they’re a little uncomfortable with (and frankly, not very good at) inviting a prospect to pull up a lawn chair next to those weeds.

So, if you care about:

  • Being relatable and referable — not just technically indispensable — to your customers;

  • Persuading audiences to act, by building trust and transparency — not just by wielding influence and yielding to the power of “process thinking”; and

  • Gaining outside perspective on “the way we’ve always said things,” to see if it’s still working for the people you’re trying to reach…

…then you’re in the right place.

"Can you teach me the basics of business communication?"

I could, but as a beginner (e.g., not, at a minimum, proficient in English; wouldn’t be confident writing an email to the CEO of your company or giving a brief introductory speech to a small group), you’ll find way less costly coaching elsewhere.

"Bummer. So, who DO you work with?"

My ideal buyers are:

  • Consultants and practitioners in specialized fields, looking to attract more customers for their solo practice or small business, and/or more consistently and reliably engage the list they’ve already got.

  • Corporate and internal communications leaders, looking for a skilled workforce change communication consultant/writer.
"I want to work with (or learn from) you. What should I do next?"

Drop me a note, or book a discovery call. I’ll ask you to give me a little more information about what’s going on in your world and what kind of help you’re looking for, and we’ll jump on a call.


"Do you have any 'stuff' I can download?"

It’s on the way, starting in 2025. You can find out a little more about what makes me tick by checking out my blog, or by subscribing for an occasional email update (no spam, I promise).


In closing: I see you. I get it.

If you’re still reading, it’s probably because:

  • We’re related (Hi, Mom), or married (my wife was my first newsletter subscriber).
  • You know, from experience, that word-of-mouth marketing is hard, and a little scary.
  • As a communication professional, you’re tired of playing “traffic cop, without the stop sign”: charged with owning the communication strategy for your organization, but not invited to the board room, nor asked for your strategic perspective.

It can be painful to put yourself out there as the face of your own brand, committing to taking what comes, and to avoiding comparing your own success to anyone else’s definition. But when you have a plan, and a consultative, creative communication partner who can help keep you accountable, it gets easier. 


I can be that partner.


And to the comms directors out there who can’t fathom why there isn’t a Chief Communication Officer in your organization (and why that’s not you, yet) … I get it. 


I can’t guarantee I can fix your C-suite. But I can help you deliver on your communication priorities; deflect what isn’t a priority; and build the internal reputation of the communication function by consistently delivering high-quality work and measurable results. 


Keep up the good fight.


Let’s get going!


* If this page didn’t answer all your Qs, check the more thorough, less fun FAQ page nested under it.

  • Strategic Communication Management Professional (SCMP); Global Communication Certification Council/IABC.
  • Project Management Professional (PMP); Project Management Institute, Inc.
  • Master of Communication (M.C.), Loyola University Chicago. Digital Media & Storytelling.
  • Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) English, University of Iowa. Secondary Education certification.