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Copywriting + Editorial

Home » Services » Copywriting + Editorial Services

B2B Marketing

Long sales cycles in professional services offer lots of engagement opportunities, but they put significant demands on lean marketing teams, and challenge solo professionals to grow their businesses while serving existing clients.


I offer support for software and service marketers who need help with creating, editing, and consulting on case studies, whitepapers, newsletters, email campaigns, video scripts, and more. With 20 years of experience translating technical information into compelling, persuasive copy, I’m here to help showcase your products and expertise, and drive prospect engagement, leaving you free to focus on business development and delivery.


Internal/B2E Communication

When company-wide messages aren’t aligned to organizational strategy, employee inboxes tend to swell with “urgent updates.” Comms leaders, then, must answer frustration on two fronts: from leaders whose messages aren’t driving the right actions, and from  employees who simply give up trying to stay current. My work seeks to help leaders align and prioritize strategic messaging, and locate the communication effort at the right levels for their organizations.


Whether your content deals with employee benefits and compliance, global cybersecurity, information technology or organizational transformation, I’ve got the background to help you drive engagement, clarify complexities, and build trust and transparency through communication, to accelerate business impact.


Copywriting Packages

  • Packages are priced as a flat fee. Package pricing is per audience: either B2B or B2E/Internal, but not both.
  • Stand-alone services are presented with a fee range to account for per-project and per-engagement variability. We’ll zero in on a quote after a discovery conversation. Favorable stand-alone pricing is available when purchased with a package or other services.
  • If you don’t see exactly what you need, let’s talk about it. Use the “I need a proposal” button at the bottom of this page.
  • See my FAQs and Policies page for quick answers to common questions.
  • “Squeeze” copy for one lead generation landing page, meant to boost leads/sales.
  • Two (2) newsletter articles or blog posts, SEO-optimized with your keywords, designed to provide helpful information and persuade your audience to act.
    Assumed: 1,000 words per article.
  • Short online video script. Copy for a one- to three-minute (1-3 min.) video explainer, product demo, or short video sales letter.
  • Key Messages Copy Platform: This “master messaging roadmap” guides copy and content for all deliverables within a change or other internal comms strategy.
    Assumed: Up to five (5) pages in length, and including messages for a general employee audience and up to two sub-groups.
  • Two (2) intranet articles or ghost-written leadership messages, designed to provide helpful information for your employees. 1,000 words per article, aligned to the Key Message Copy platform.
  • FAQ Document. I’ll articulate and answer up to 20 of the most important employee questions about your internal change initiative or other project, clearly and concisely.
  • Autoresponder/Funnel Emails. Deepen customer/prospect relationships or drive follow-up sales with personable, persuasive email copy, ready for loading into your preferred distribution tool.
    Assumes five emails of approximately 500 words each. Excludes graphic or web design, distribution list management, and other non-copy considerations.
  • Case Study/Customer Success Story. I’ll interview a customer or subject matter expert of your choice, and create copy for a compelling “advertorial-style” feature story that articulates a challenge, shows how your work solved it, and highlights the outcomes that matter most to your prospects. If applicable, I’ll highlight pull-quotes from the interview for use as testimonials or social proof.
    Assumes a maximum of 1,200 words or about four double-spaced pages. Graphic and web design are not included.
  • Teleseminar/Webinar script. Ensure a smooth, successful 60-minute presentation with a great script and slide content. Written conceptual guidance to your visual designer will be included where applicable, and 60 minutes of follow-up consultation are included.
    Assumed: Slide design services are not included. More consultation time post-delivery of the draft is possible, but may incur additional fees.
  • Internal, Initiative-Specific Email Series. Build trust and employee understanding with a staged, five-part informational email series from your organization’s leaders or subject matter experts. Personable, brand-aligned email copy, ready for personalization and loading into your preferred distribution tool.
    Assumes five emails of approximately 500 words each. Excludes graphic or web design, distribution list management, and other non-copy considerations.
  • Three (3) Organizational Announcements. Restructuring? Adding a key hire? After a conference call to download the important details, I’ll draft copy for announcements to your employees intended for email and intranet distribution. Each will be between 250 and 500 words, and versioned for up to two internal audiences (e.g. “All employees” and “Executive leadership team/Board of directors”).
  • Webinar/Employee Meeting script. Ensure a smooth, successful 60-minute presentation with a great script and slide content. Written conceptual guidance to your visual designer will be included where applicable, and 60 minutes of follow-up consultation are included.
    Assumed: Slide design services are not included. More consultation time post-delivery of the draft is possible, but may incur additional fees.
  • Copy for your sales/product microsite. I’ll write persuasive, optimized copy for up to five pages of a single-topic microsite designed to sell your product or service, inform about features and benefits, and drive customer action.
  • Whitepaper/Special Report (up to 10 pages). Attract new leads and email sign-ups with valuable, informative digital reports about your product, service or industry. You provide topic guidance and any background research you’ve already done, and I do the rest.
  • Training Script (up to 10 pages). Are your customers or staff getting tripped up by a process or procedure? I’ll write copy for a quick reference guide, training meeting or explainer video.
  • Pillar Post (key intranet copy). Give a leader, team or topic an in-depth strategic focus with an all-emcompassing deep-dive post for your employees. Written for readers and SEO, and typically 4,000+ words with internal and external links. 
  • Human Resources brochure copy, e.g., an Annual Enrollment guide or other “must-know” information for your employees.
    Assumed: Copy for up to 12 hardcopy, designed pages or up to 2,500 words of web copy. Graphic and web design excluded.
  • Copy for 10 internal/external social posts, e.g., Yammer, Slack, Teams, Amplify and/or LinkedIn, centered around an initiative of your choice. Copy will be optimized with your chosen keywords and aligned to your internal branding and identity.
    These include written conceptual guidance for supporting imagery, but graphic design and imagery selection is not included.

Got something else in mind? Looking for “a little of Column A, and a little of Column B?” Not a problem! Start with the button below and I’ll send you a scheduling link, to get a conversation on our calendars.

Stand-Alones & Add-Ons

B2B and B2E/Internal
Terms & Need-to-Knows
  • Revisions: My intention is always to provide revisions “until you love it,” within quoted pricing. However, if we start to move beyond two rounds of client review and revision before a piece is accepted/considered final, and/or if the direction of a piece changes significantly, I might call a “time out” and re-evaluate scope and purpose with you.
  • Excluded Services: While I may provide textual or verbal guidance or proposed visual direction in a written document, I am not a graphic designer, web designer or visual/slide design specialist. Similarly, other than required campaign setup for newsletter engagements, I do not manage or troubleshoot client distribution lists or other technology tools.
  • Scope of Work and/or Engagement Letter govern. In the case of any error or omission on this page, or any conflict between the information on this page and in a proposal or scoping document, the latter shall govern.
  • See my FAQs and Policies page for information about privacy, the use of AI tools, and more.

Editorial Services

  • Services are presented with a fee range, to account for per-project and per-engagement variability. We’ll zero in on a quote after a discovery conversation. Favorable stand-alone pricing is available when purchased with a copywriting package or other services.
  • If you don’t see exactly what you need, let’s talk about it. Use the “I need a proposal” button at the bottom of this page.
  • See my FAQs and Policies page for quick answers to common questions.

Got something else in mind? Start with the button below and I’ll send you a scheduling link, to get a conversation on our calendars.

Terms & Need-to-Knows
  • Scope of Work and/or Engagement Letter govern. In the case of any error or omission on this page, or any conflict between the information on this page and in a proposal or scoping document, the latter shall govern.
  • See my FAQs and Policies page for information about privacy, the use of AI tools, and more.

Consulting + Coaching

Home » Services » Consulting + Coaching

Every solo practitioner and small business has a story — the message set that communicates the value you offer your clients, clearly, consistently, and in your (or your brand’s) voice. And, in many cases, you are your brand. 


I work with solo pros and small business owners to develop the tools and messaging you need to help you grow. Whether you’re looking for a content strategy that resonates, or a communication plan that can scale as you grow, my services can be tailored to help you meet your goal. Together, we’ll build a roadmap and the tools you need, to reach your prospects and clients at the right time, in the right channels, with the right tone.

I can help you and your small business:

  • Craft your core messaging and communication strategy
  • Develop content that speaks directly to your clients and motivates them to act
  • Audit and optimize your web copy, for greater clarity and more conversions


My goal is simple: to help you build and execute a clear, impactful communication strategy that amplifies your unique voice and drives business growth.

Consulting Services

  • Pricing shown is flat-fee, per project. As every project/engagement is different, we will work together to zero in on, and agree to, a precise fee before work begins.
  • If a package doesn’t include exactly what you need, let’s talk about it. To request a discovery call or a specific quote, use the “I need a proposal” button at the bottom of this page.
  • See my FAQs and Policies page for quick answers to common questions.
  • Auditing website copy, sales pages, and landing pages for clarity, persuasiveness and SEO.
  • You get a comprehensive website audit report and recommendations for improvement.
  • Implementation of recommendations is not included. Editorial services are available but will be quoted separately.
  • Defining key messages and value propositions, in your brand’s voice and aligned with your business objectives.
  • You get a clear, actionable messaging framework, informed by audience and competitor research, that you can use in all communications. Includes proposed tactics, timing and key action steps.
  • Scaled as necessary according to business size and your specific needs. Implementation of proposed tactics is not included in the fee range shown.
  • Request a discovery conversation and tailored proposal.
  • Includes up to four one-hour consultation sessions per month for communication strategy, key message development and project management guidance.
  • Request a discovery consultation and tailored proposal.

Got something else in mind? Start with the button below and I’ll send you a scheduling link, to get a conversation on our calendars.

Terms & Need-to-Knows
  • Scope of Work and/or Engagement Letter govern. In the case of any error or omission on this page, or any conflict between the information on this page and in a proposal or scoping document, the latter shall govern.
  • See my FAQs and Policies page for information about privacy, the use of AI tools, and more.

Under construction; coming late fall, 2024.


Home » Services » Voiceover

Elevate your audio and video content with professional narration services. Featuring a calm, authoritative, and neutral North American delivery, my narration is perfect for corporate videos, podcasts, imaging, and any project that demands a precise, regionally nonspecific tone.


Past projects have included:

  • Educational and informational talk-tracks for corporate presentations
  • Documentary-style narration for a large consumer products brand
  • Commercial product narration
  • Political campaign spots, for the web
Samples are available throughout my portfolio (particularly in the Technology and Social Issues & Politics sections), and my demo reels will also give you an idea of my range.
How I Sound

Jump over to my demo reels or my voiceover homepage for a listen. Also, real client samples are available throughout my portfolio.

How I Work
  • Recording and editing will be performed in my home-based studio unless otherwise agreed.
  • If you wish to use a different facility, I can suggest studios in the Chicago area with whom you can make arrangements.
  • Any outside studio rental fees and reasonable out-of-area travel expenses will be the client’s (your) responsibility.
  • I’m available for hire to write and/or edit your VO script. (If you’re interested, hit the “I need a proposal” button and ask!) But, those services are not included in the pricing shown here.
How I Bill
  • As with my other services, I prefer to work on a flat rate (per project or per deliverable) or retainer basis, rather than hourly. 
  • Presently, I am non-union talent and not represented by a talent agent. So, our voiceover work together will be billed directly.
  • Unless we make another arrangement, smaller projects are billed at 50% up front, and 50% at delivery of the final work. For ongoing or larger narration projects, a retainer or partial payment with other milestones may be needed.
Typical Fees
Terms & Need-to-Knows
  • Scripts should be final and “VO-ready” before work begins. Further edits or script consultation after work begins may incur additional fees.
  • Fees include two rounds of client review and minor revisions, and delivery of a final audio file as an .MP3, .WAV or similar.
  • Rounds of revision or other edits beyond the above may incur additional fees; out-of-scope work will not proceed unless mutually agreed.
  • Final edited file will be “clean,” error-free and of the specified length.
  • No music bed or other post-production included unless otherwise agreed.


Home » Services » Speaking

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Write very brief text here and quickly divert the user over to the standalone speaker page.

For the time being (until speaking takes off and a separate speaker page is built), this entire section should be set to “hidden” on desktop, mobile and tablet.

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Optio, neque qui velit. Magni dolorum quidem ipsam eligendi, totam, facilis laudantium cum accusamus ullam voluptatibus commodi numquam, error, est. Ea, consequatur.